As a kid, I have fond memories of an Ice Cream Truck canvasing through my neighborhood, looking for customers, namely kids and the money provided by the parents.
You probably know the truck I'm talking about; white paneled with a service counter window and an outdoor speaker blaring music announcing the arrival of some cool summertime treats—all with the intent to lure young kids in to purchase an ice cream delight.
Hearing the bells ringing and the music howling on a hot summer night was the signal that cool treats awaited. The sound of ice cream on wheels, heard even indoors, disrupted more than one family dinner. Kids would leap up out from the table, grab some loose change and dart out the door. Flying out the door, it was a foot race to reach the source of the music before the truck was gone.
Fond memories indeed, a relic of the past? Slow down, not so fast.
We were recently approached by a local entrepreneur couple interested in resurrecting the glory days of the mobile ice cream truck. Would we be willing to participate in re-creating the experiences for a new generation to enjoy by providing parking space for the vehicle? And provide warehouse space for a freezer? How about a dock for vendor deliveries?
The request fits perfectly into one of our initiatives at Bella Domicile – giving back to the community and those who serve it.
For many years, the team at Bella Domicile has supported and volunteered at many community events. From swinging a hammer or paintbrush for Habitat for Humanity to stocking shelves at local food pantries. Giving back means volunteering at the Madison Reading Project, mentoring young people, or assisting upstart entrepreneurs. All areas we firmly believe in and support.
So, with the ice cream dream formally proposed, we accepted. This new venture, Momma Meg's by Megan and Christopher Westphal, is designed to be more events-driven. A vision of creating a safe and enjoyable space for families to congregate and partake in one of the sweet tastes of summer – ice cream.
Having survived a Pandemic, isn't this Just what the doctor ordered? A great excuse to congregate around an Ice cream truck of yesterday and share a cool treat. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.