Who among us hasn’t spent time wishing they were more organized? As much as we’ve been able to digitize (bye-bye paper bills and stacks of photos), our homes still have plenty of items to sort through and store, from winter gear to snacks to shoes. The popularity of organizational systems like The Home Edit and Marie Kondo has exploded. (And don’t get me started on TikTok’s restock videos!) This has only been exacerbated by all the time we’ve spent in our homes over the past few years.But actually getting organized is a job in and of itself. Especially if your current storage spaces aren’t working for you. It’s hard for your child to keep their closet organized when they can’t even reach the hangers. A bedroom closet full of nothing but hanging space isn’t helpful when you’ve got a collection of delicate sweaters. And it’s hard for shoes to stay organized very long when the mudroom doesn’t have enough cubbies for everyone in the family.At Bella Domicile, we use the Stor-X system to help our clients organize their lives. With custom configurations, different finish options, and lots of accessories to choose from, it can be created specifically for the storage spaces in your life.A good closet system provides the foundation for a more organized home moving forward. Here are some things to think about when upgrading the storage in your home.
Go vertical
Most homes come with a fairly standard closet set-up: a rod suspended underneath a single shelf. Not only are these closets boring, but they completely miss out on several square feet of storage space—by going vertical! Stacked hanging literally doubles the available hanging space. Running shelving down a wall makes use of those precious inches. And adding stacks of shelves means you can store things the way they’re actually meant to be stored. You can fold sweaters, line up shoes, and have a place for out-of-season bins of clothing.
The system should fit your needs
Whatever the pretty closets look like in the pictures, it won’t work for your life if you don’t use what’s there. Maybe you need a plethora of shelving for your shoe collection. Or better hanging solutions because you prefer everything on a hanger. Some people want a clean look with things stored in drawers and behind doors as much as possible—out of sight and uncluttered. Others want to be able to see everything so they don’t forget a favorite cardigan lost at the bottom of the pile. Think about how you store things now and how you want to store them in the future: both will inform the creation of a better organizational system for you.
A good storage system makes things easier, not more complicated
Don’t overthink things with too many accessories. A closet system should help you work smarter when it comes to your home organization, not harder. If you’re overloaded with specialized bins that separate your spaghetti noodles from your penne pasta, your storage system may have gotten too complicated. (Unless that’s how you like to store your noodles, of course!) A well-designed closet tells you where things are at a glance.
Options keep things flexible
A good closet system incorporates multiple storage options. A mix of hanging and shelving is only the beginning. Where can you utilize baskets, bins, and drawers? Different hanging heights also allow flexibility, so you can store long items like dresses without the hems rumpled on the floor. You might be 5 feet tall with a partner who’s over 6 feet. Or a partner who hangs their dress shirts while you prefer them in crisp piles. Allowing for different heights and storage options allows both of you to store things in a way that makes sense individually, while using the same space.
Go beyond closets
While you’re probably thinking of a closet system in a traditional closet, they can be utilized in other areas of your home. Think mudrooms, pantries, home offices, and craft areas. Anywhere a combination of shelving, hanging, drawers, and baskets might be useful is a space a closet system can be installed. And with everything truly custom, we can make each and every space work for you.